mercredi 7 avril 2010


I asked myself a question....

Is Reservations Europe adding hotels without asking them their authorisation ?

The Al Amer hotel owner said he doesn't know that company....

However, in Reservations Europe website the hotel is well referenced.

All the images from are taken directly from the website. Maybe if the hotel asked to be added they would have send them the source of the pictures...

Here is a snapshot of the official website of the hotel, you can see that the pictures have the same quality.

So, guess what you want...

Another exemple :

Polis Grand Hotel is referenced on with the following informations :

10 Veranzerou Street, Athens
Athens 10432, Greece
Phone: 2105223211

Now, lets go to the official website of the Hotel, here is what we can find.

19 Patision and 10 Veranzerou St.,
Athens Attica 104 32, Greece
Phone: (+30) 21052431569

Strange, the address and the phone are different...

And more strange, the phone number is the owned by Reservations Europe !

I can imagine that you might make a reservation for an hotel not existing... or closed since long... it would be a good surprise during your trip, no? And how to ask for refund? this is the eternal question....

1 commentaire:

  1. I noticed that you have removed some key
    victim strong inputs regarding fraud pursued by this company.
    Victims may address their complains to:

    The General Federation of Consumers in Greece
    by e-mail:

    The Fax number is 01130 210 363 3976
    The address is:
    General Federation of Consumers
    Akadimias 7
    Athens 10671 Greece

    Greece is not a 3rd world country and cannot
    tolerate thieves.

    Thanks you for this blog-site

    tims may address their complains to:
