dimanche 29 août 2010


In reservationsteam.com, on the whois, you will see that the fax number is the same as one given by reservations europe.
Here is the full contact given :
Miniates, Costas info@reservationsteam.com
Classic Corporate Solutions
Athens, Attica 10432

In reservationsteam.com on the conditions page, you will see that the site is operated by Classic Corporate Solutions Ε.Π.Ε.

Who is Classic Corporate Solutions Ε.Π.Ε. ????

If you follow that link : http://www.cgw.gr/html/hyxt/ydhw_580_44.html, you will see that it's a company that helps chinese to create companies in grece....

Is all that scam coming from chinese people living in grece ???

2 commentaires:

  1. The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has ruled that crdit card issuers bear the responsibility of allowing (aiding & abating in hopes of profit)unscrupulous merchants to access their financial baselines.
    As a consequence a card holder can also address his/her problems with scammers to their respective card issuer.

  2. ReservationsEurope. com was a website operated under a Societe anonyme legal entity (travel agency) with a descriptive title "reservationseurope SA "

    The company went bankrupt and they acquired an Ltd named Classic Corporate Solutions in which they amend the Articles of Association in order to provide travel agency services again under the website reservationseurope.com

    Both companies went bancrupt and the owners dissapeared from Greece.

    I have submitted lawsuits but nothing happened since everything has disappeared.
